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“I grew up learning to revere and honor Eugene O’Neill as the father of American Theater - until I learned about Charles Gilpin.” - Arthur Egeli Director / Producer
Based on a true story, Charles S. Gilpin was the first Black actor to star in a leading role on Broadway during a time where roles of color were previously played by white men in blackface. As Gilpin rose to fame and recognition, tensions were high between he and playwright Eugene O’Neill, one of the Founders of the Provincetown Players, which ultimately led to parting ways, though his acclaimed performance has changed Broadway forever. Based on the play N by Adrienne Earle Pender, Playwright & Descendent of Charles S. Gilpin.
"The impact that I hope this story has is that it doesn't just tell the details of Charles's life to people, but it also reminds them that his place in history is not hidden, but it’s forgotten"
-Adrienne Earle Pender

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